In our Independent, Permanently Neutral state Turkmenistan under the wise leadership of the Esteemed President, special significance is dedicated to the development of science and technology, to raising the level of consciousness of the people, and ensuring the integrity of science, technology and production. Large-scale programs and plans aimed at achieving the typical standards of the developed countries of the world in terms of economic and social development of Turkmenistan are based on fundamental scientific principles. Achievements of science and technology are implemented in oil and gas, agriculture, construction, energy, textile, economy, finance, banking facilities, trade, transport, communication, chemistry, culture, science, education, health care, sports, tourism systems.

Basing on the essential instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to support and encourage implementation of the programs, projects and creative initiatives of talented youth aimed at the further prosperity of the country as the main strategic force of the large-scale reforms, to develop international youth cooperation in the field of science and education, to fulfill the tasks set in, "Revival of the New Age of the Stable State: National Program of Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052”, "The Program of the President of Turkmenistan on Social and Economic development of the Country  for 2022-2028”, as well as in the "National Program of the State Policy on Youth in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025", international competition of scientific works “High technologies and innovative projects” in honor of “The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar” is planned to be held among young people.

In accordance with the main goal of the international cooperation Strategy of Turkmen youth, developing relations of our youth with their foreign peers is intended to ensure their more active participation in worldwide cultural, economic, scientific and educational activities. It is also mentioned that new, innovative approaches are necessary in this area. In accordance with the priorities of science and technology in Turkmenistan, to ensure the wide introduction of new scientific and engineering ideas, application of industrial-innovative and information-technological projects of young scientists at the international level, to promote the principles of mentorship in science, and to achieve high results in the training of capable specialists who are proficient in use of innovative technologies- an international competition for scientific works among young people is announced.


I chapter. General regulations

  1.   The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan  and Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan are the organizers of the  international competition “High technologies and innovative projects” (hereafter-International competition)
  2. Copyrighted research works of the following young people, who were up to 35 years old by the date of application for the international competition, are accepted:
  1. students of primary and secondary vocational education institutions;
  2. students of higher education institutions who study in bachelor's, master's and professional programs;
  3. graduate students (including doctoral candidates), interns, and clinical directors enrolled in post-graduate professional education programs;
  4. young people engaged in science.
  1. Participation in international competition “High technologies and innovative projects” requires acquaintance and confirmation of its Regulations (hereafter-Regulation).
  2. Independent, completed research works prepared in accordance with the directions provided for in the ninth part of this Regulation are accepted for the international competition.
  3. Evaluation and summing up of works submitted to the international competition is carried out by a group of judges consisting of scientists from foreign countries and Turkmenistan. The membership in the jury is approved by the Organizers.
  4. The international competition is held in 2 (two) stages from March 1, 2023 to October 10, 2023 in accordance with the directions stated in the ninth part of these Regulations.
  5. In the first stage, research works are analyzed and those which are selected according to their importance are transferred to the next stage.
  6. In the second stage of the international competition, the participants of the international competition (hereinafter - participants) are auditioned online to fully disclose the content of the work.


II chapter. Procedure for submission and formalization of research works to international competition

  1. Research works submitted to the international competition are accepted according to the following priority areas of science:

1) nanotechnologies;

2) chemical technologies;

3) studying new materials;

4) energy;

5) biotechnology;

6) molecular biology;

7) agriculture;

8) ecology;

9) genetics.

10. Research works submitted to the international competition are accepted from March 1 to May 1, 2023.

11. According to the required regulation, the authors who submitted their works to the organizing committee by the indicated date have the right to participate in the international competition.


III chapter.  Requirements and conditions for participants and their works

12. Participants are registered in accordance with Appendix 1 of this Regulations.

13. The figuration of the research papers should be prepared in accordance with Appendix 2 of this Regulation and send to the e-mail address of the Organizers

14. Participants must submit the following along with their research paper for consideration by the Organizers:

1) samples of information (scientific articles, inventions, industrial samples, patents, diplomas, etc.) on the assessment of work results;

2)  at least 3 (three) positive reviews by scientists for the research project.

15. The participants of the second round of the international competition prepare a recording of the speech and a presentation in Power Point program for online presentation.

The following should be considered when preparing a speech:

1) the importance of the topic;

2) highlight the topic;

3) display topical and analytical information;

4) maintaining the regulation of the speech duration (5-10 minutes).

When preparing a Power Point presentation, the following should be considered:

1) the total number of pages of the presentation (presentation) should not be less than 10 slides;

2) in accordance with Appendix 3 of this Regulation, there should be a cover page containing information about the research work and its author in Turkmen, Russian and English languages;

3) there should be theoretical information in the form of a thesis;

4) it should contain analytical data presented in the form of charts and graphs;

5) adding audiovisual decoration and a short video clip to the presentation is allowed.

16. The following are taken into account when evaluating research projects:

1) the depth of theoretical studies performed;

2) the scope of experimental results obtained;

3) scientific and practical significance of the work;

4) justification of the obtained results;

5) the amount of original work of the author;

6) level of familiarity of the participant with the results of modern research on the chosen topic;

7) preparation and presentation of the participant's research work.

17. There should be 1 (one) author of the research work submitted to the international competition.


IV chapter. Organizational-legal issues

18. All information about the international competition is sent on behalf of the Organizers.

19. By participating in the international competition, the participant is supposed to have agreed to the publication of his/her information on the official website of the Organizers.

20. The names and surnames of the participants may be used by the Organizers in the mass media and on the Internet for advertising purposes without paying a fee.

21. By submitting his work to the international competition, the participant grants the Organizers the right to collect, store, use, process and transmit his data.

22. The participants fully guarantee that they have the right to the research work submitted to the international competition.

23. The date of the awarding ceremony to the winners of the international competition is determined by the Organizers.

24. The copyright of the international competition belongs to the Organizers.

25. Participating in an international competition does not constitute a grant of copyright, copyright in the work remains with the entrant.

26. The financing of the international competition is carried out at the expense of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan.

V chapter. Procedure for summarizing the results of the international competition

27. In the first ten days of October 2023, the results of the international competition are going to be summarized and posted on the official website of the Organizers.

28. The results of the international competition will be presented to the public through mass media.

29. The winners of the international competition are going to be awarded with the books of our National Leader Hero Arkadag and with valuable gifts and diplomas at the expense of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan.


Appendix 1 of the Regulation of

of International competition

 “High technologies and innovative projects”

 held among youth in honor of

“The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar”



for registration of participants

Participant's name, surname



Participant's date of birth

(day, month, year):


Participant's residential address (with index)


Participant's email address


Title of research


Field of research


The full name of the participant's educational institution (workplace).


Address of the participant's educational institution (with index)


The name and surname of the scientific supervisor


Scientific supervisor's email address


The e-mail address of the educational institution (workplace) where the scientific supervisor works



Appendix 2 of the Regulation of

of International competition

 “High technologies and innovative projects”

 held among youth in honor of

“The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar”



to figuration of research paper

The research works submitted to the international competition should include the following sections:

1) cover page;

2) content of research;

3) introduction;

4) the main part of the research paper;

5) the final result of the research;

6) references.

In the content of the research work, the names of the main chapters of the research work, introduction, names of chapters and sub-chapters, summary results, used literature, names of appendices and relevant page numbers must be displayed.

The introduction describes the setting of the problem, the importance of the topic, the goals and objectives of the work, a brief analysis of the used literature sources, the level of study of the problem, and the participant's contribution to solution of the problem.

The main part of the research process describes the data collected and processed by the participant.

In the final result of the research obtained outcomes and the conclusion of the research are described.

In the list of references, the literature used by the participant is written in alphabetical order.

The total length of the research work should not be less than 30 pages, the format of the paper is A4 (font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt, line spacing - 1.5; 20 mm should be left on all sides of the page). Tables, pictures, charts can be inserted freely. References to the literature are indicated by numbers.

Appendix 2 of the Regulation of

of International competition

 “High technologies and innovative projects”

 held among youth in honor of

“The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar”

Title of the research paper:

Field of the research:



The theme of the work






Participant's first and last name

Name of the place of study (work), course (position)



Scientific supervisor:

Scientific supervisor’s name and surname

The place of work, position, degree

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